Shrimp Pond Monitoring System using Cooperative Wireless Sensor Network Multi-Hop Technique based on Internet of Things

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Zickri Zickri
Andri Novandri
Ramzi Adriman


WSN, Cooperative, Multi-hop, IoT, Monitoring System


Water quality is a crucial factor in maintaining the survival and growth of shrimp. Manual water quality monitoring in shrimp ponds is no longer effective due to the need for periodic monitoring to maintain stable water quality. Therefore, online monitoring using various sensors installed in each pond is necessary. However, there are several challenges to overcome, such as the large expanse of the shrimp ponds, which may lead to data loss due to signal disruptions, and limited energy to power the sensors. To address these issues, this paper proposes the cooperative Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) technique with a multi-hop method for communication in the monitoring process. The system consists of five sensor nodes: temperature sensor, pH sensor, water level sensor, intake water flow sensor, and drain water flow sensor. The cooperative WSN multi-hop technique helps reduce energy consumption in the sensor nodes during measurement and data transmission, while also preventing data packet loss. This is achieved through the use of relay nodes that strengthen signals and forward data to the sink node. As a result, the battery life is extended, and energy usage in the monitoring process can be optimized. The system enables real-time online monitoring and can be accessed through a smartphone application. The results of this study show that the total energy consumption for data transmission in the sensor nodes is 9.64 J, while the total energy consumption for data forwarding in the relay nodes is 9.15 J. The total energy consumption in the transmit and receive processes is 18.79 J or 5.2 mWh. Therefore, it can be concluded that the energy savings of the proposed system is 4.3 mWh or approximately 45%, and is more efficient than the previous system.


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