Comparative Analysis of Two-Stage and Single-Stage Models in Batteryless PV Systems for Motor Power Supply

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I Wayan Sutaya
Ida Ayu Dwi Giriantari
Wayan Gede Ariastina
I Nyoman Satya Kumara


Photovoltaic Systems, Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT), Two-Stage Model, Single-Stage Model, Motor Power Consumption


Implementing photovoltaic (PV) systems as direct power sources for motors without batteries is a complex process that requires a sophisticated control mechanism. The crucial aspect of PV systems is the Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) process, which ensures that the installed PV system generates optimal energy output. A recent study has analyzed research related to PV systems supplying power to pump motors, and the results have successfully classified these systems into two main models: the two-stage and the single-stage. The two-stage model involves separate power tracking and load consumption control processes, while the single-stage model integrates power tracking and load consumption control into a single process. A comparative analysis of these two models has revealed that the two-stage model exhibits higher stability due to the separate power tracking and load consumption control processes. Aspects such as the MPPT process, motor power consumption, and the utilization of DC-link capacitors were examined in this study. The findings of this comparative study contribute valuable insights into the effectiveness and stability of two-stage and single-stage models in PV systems supplying power to motors without batteries. The results will significantly interest researchers and practitioners working in Photovoltaic systems and motor control, providing helpful information for designing and implementing more efficient and reliable PV systems.


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