A Techno-Economic Analysis for Raja Ampat Off-Grid System

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Lukman Subekti
Candra Febri Nugraha
Muhammad Arrofiq
Ahmad Adhiim Muthahhari
Budi Eko Prasetyo
Qurrota A’yun


HOMER Pro, hybrid off-grid, remote electrification, techno-economic analysis


Indonesia, an expansive archipelagic nation with over 17,000 islands, encounters significant challenges in ensuring a sustainable and dependable electricity supply, particularly in its West Papua region. The reliance on diesel fuel for electricity generation in this area poses substantial environmental risks and incurs high costs. A comprehensive research study addressing the environmental and economic challenges associated with diesel dependence in West Papua proposed a shift towards sustainable and cost-effective solutions by advocating for adopting off-grid hybrid power systems. This study targeted Yensawai Village in the Raja Ampat Islands, employing a detailed techno-economic analysis through HOMER Pro to identify the most cost-effective system configurations. The findings indicated that the optimal setup consists of a 160 kW diesel generator, complemented by a 70.1 kW solar photovoltaic (PV) system, a 30 kW inverter, and an 80 kWh battery storage unit. This configuration not only proved to be economically viable by reducing the levelized cost of electricity (CoE) by 15.7%—achieving a CoE of $0.236/kWh compared to the base scenario's $0.280/kWh—but also highlighted the potential for similar benefits across regional systems. By focusing on the economic advantages of hybrid energy configurations, this research contributes significantly to the broader discourse on sustainability and the urgent need to reduce diesel dependence, offering a practical approach to cutting electricity generation costs in remote island communities and advancing sustainability initiatives.


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