QCI Optimization to Minimize Latency and Enhance User Experience

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Patria Adhistian
Priyo Wibowo


QoS, latency, throughput, DRX, Pre-allocation, PDCP, scheduling


Limited QCIs (QoS Class Identifiers) restrict the handling different service types with varying quality requirements. This necessitates research on QoS management to minimize latency and improve user experience, particularly for real-time applications like video conferencing and online gaming. This paper proposes a combined optimization scheme targeting QCI 3 to reduce latency. The approach involves disabling DRX, optimizing pre-allocation, and reducing the PDCP discard timer. The optimization performance is studied by taking the case of an e-sport game that demands low network latency, affecting the quality of the players' experience. The optimization scheme was validated through functionality, resource allocation, and air interface latency tests conducted under actual e-sport gaming conditions. Network latency was measured every minute to evaluate the impact of optimization on esports games running under QCI 7, QCI 3, and optimized QCI 3. In addition, air interface latency for optimized QCI 3 under networks with poor coverage and very high-capacity networks was compared to latency under QCI 8 (basic), QCI 7, and regular QCI 3. The optimization strategy demonstrated a significant reduction in air interface latency, up to 19% improvement compared to non-optimized QCI 3. It has reduced air interface latency's maximum, minimum, and standard deviation values during gameplay. The strategy also ensured concurrent operation with multiple QCI values without compromising other application’s throughput. The proposed optimization strategy effectively enhances the user experience by significantly reducing average latency and jitter.


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